510-544-4320 info@calpal.org

California PAL – CAL P.I.M.S. Database Application Form

Please completely fill out and submit the application form below in order to notify California PAL about your interest in using the new CAL P.I.M.S. database system which is being offered to our members.

There are two service level plans that your PAL will be able to request, the BASIC level which is included in your California PAL membership and the PLUS level which includes the ID Cards and Scanning/Attendance Tracking features which will be an addtional $200.00 dollars annually (to be paid when applying for CALPAL membership).

Current PAL Database Information:

The following series of questions will identify what type of database you are currently using and how we can best integrate and import your data to the CAL PIMS system.
Please note: In order for your current DATA to be imported into CAL P.I.M.S., it will be the responsibility of your PAL/SAL/YAL chapter to convert your data into either a Microsoft Excel or CSV file. Most database applications with a database will allow for your data to be exported into a CSV file. If you have a comprehensive database already in place and have special circumstances, please make sure to let us know when we start creating your data transfer plan.

CAL P.I.M.S. Database Requirements:

The following questions will allow us to come up with a database implementation plan for your chapter. Please answer this series of questions will identify what type of database you are currently using and how we can best integrate and import your data to the CAL PIMS system.

Notes and any Additional Requirements

In the box below, please describe a rough outline of how you will be using the CAL P.I.M.S. system. We are looking at how the day-to-day operations will be handled. For example if you will need login access for additional staff members and if you are using the PLUS attendance tracking, will you be primarily scanning at a "front door" or using mobile scanning outdoors.

All Done!

Thank you for taking the time to complete this form. We will be in touch with you soon to discuss your CAL P.I.M.S. requirements and roll out plan very soon. Your implementation timeline will be determined on how complex your situation is along with in what order we received your sign up form. Please click the SUBMIT button below.